Nói Kristinsson

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Fyrirlestrar, gagnavinnsla

og gervigreind

Fyrirlestrar og almenn aðstoð þegar kemur að gervigreind og listum

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Gervigreind & atvinnulífið

Stefnumótun og Gervigreind

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Um mig

Gervigreindin og ég

We solve business problems,take a consultative approach to every client engagement, and find actionable solutions that will help your organization achieve the best business outcomes

We solve business problems,take a consultative approach to every client engagement, and find actionable solutions that will help your organization achieve the best business outcomes.



What We Do?

Creative Solutions

We design an elegant set of WordPress Themes & Plugins

Financial Strategy

We design an elegant set of WordPress Themes & Plugins

Marketing Strategy

We design an elegant set of WordPress Themes & Plugins

Keyword Research

We design an elegant set of WordPress Themes & Plugins

Web Development

We design an elegant set of WordPress Themes & Plugins


We design an elegant set of WordPress Themes & Plugins


What We Do?

  • prófun

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  • Spurt og svarað

    Hér eru algengar spurningar sem fólk hefur vegna gervigreindarinnar